Gilbert rugby logo in white

I Am Gilbert, I Am Rugby.


Jason Robinson scoring a try in the 2003 Rugby World Cup Final holding a Gilbert rugby ball, with a headline that says: “I was made for moments like this. I am Gilbert. I am Rugby”

Working with an Iconic Rugby Brand

Gilbert has supplied the Rugby World Cup since 1995, and Gilbert balls, jerseys, and equipment have become synonymous with the game itself, used by both professional and amateur players.

Jonny Wilkinson attempting to drop-kick the ball at the 2003 Rugby World Cup, with a headline that reads: "I was made for moments like this. I am Gilbert. I am Rugby."
Claudia McDonald carrying the ball forward in a match scenario. A headline reads: “I was made to play this game, you could say it was my destiny. I am Gilbert. I am rugby.”
Dan Carter lining up a conversion in the 2015 Rugby World Cup. The headline reads “I was made for moments like this. I am Gilbert. I am Rugby.”

Visible at the Biggest Moments

Using imagery capturing dramatic and iconic action – Johnny Wilkinson’s final-winning kick to Dan Carter’s 2015 conversion – the campaign draws viewers towards the players before revealing Gilbert as the consistent presence at the centre of these moments: “I am Gilbert. I am Rugby.”
Gabin Villière celebrating while diving to score a try for France during the Six Nations in 2022. A headline reads: “I’ve been broken, deflated, and so pumped up I thought I’d burst. I am Gilbert. I am Rugby.”

Celebrating Gilbert’s Enduring Legacy

Our campaign celebrates Gilbert’s enduring legacy by highlighting its presence in some of the sport’s most famous moments.
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